Reader Case Study: Should You Prioritize Paying Off Student Loans or Saving for a Home?

Welcome back to another Reader Case Study! It’s been a while since we tackled one of these, and I almost forgot how much I enjoy them. Why the hiatus, you ask? Well, a minor technical hiccup meant my MMM contact email wasn’t forwarding messages for weeks. I assumed the questions had simply stopped. Turns out, … Read more

Gaming the System with Rewards Credit Cards

Lately, I’ve noticed a growing trend among financial bloggers: maximizing rewards credit cards for serious gains. The game involves signing up for high-reward cards, collecting lucrative bonuses, strategically using the best ones, and canceling the rest. My Journey with Rewards Cards I’ve been familiar with cash-back cards for a while. Between 1999 and 2006, I … Read more

How to Stay Slim: A Mustachian Guide to Health and Fitness

If Mustachianism could be summed up in one word, it would be control. Most people arrive at this philosophy feeling overwhelmed by a lifetime of surrendering to the storms of unchecked consumerism. They feel their happiness, wealth, and even health are dictated by external forces—politicians, corporations, or economic circumstances. And to some extent, they’re right. … Read more

The Surprisingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement

This post reveals how you can achieve financial independence and retire in as little as ten years. Here at Mr. Money Mustache, we delve into topics like investment fundamentals, money-saving lifestyle changes, entrepreneurial strategies for boosting income, and philosophies that turn these changes into empowering opportunities rather than sacrifices. With endless retirement calculators, advice from … Read more