How to Negotiate Your Salary and Boost Your Lifetime Earnings

Negotiating your salary can have a profound impact on your financial future. Research shows that successfully negotiating your starting salary or a raise can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional lifetime earnings. Yet, many people feel uncomfortable or unprepared to negotiate, potentially leaving money on the table. Here’s a comprehensive guide to … Read more

How to Earn More Money: Three Strategies to Boost Your Income

Building wealth isn’t just about cutting costs; it’s about maximizing your earnings. Frugality has its place in personal finance, but trying to grow rich by saving pennies is like attempting to win a car race by conserving fuel. If you want to reach financial goals quickly, accelerating your income is essential. Here are three key … Read more

Why Frugality is Essential to Personal Finance

Frugality plays a pivotal role in achieving financial stability and independence. In a society that often emphasizes consumption and material wealth, the virtue of spending less can not only improve your financial situation but also transform your life. Here’s why frugality matters and how it can change your perspective on money and happiness. The Problem … Read more

Guest Post from The Military Guide: Frugality is Not Deprivation

Nords at Work in Hawaii Today’s guest post comes from Nords of, a blog that explores how military training and career benefits can be used to achieve financial independence at an early age. Nords has contributed to and His book, The Military Guide to Financial Independence and Retirement, was written with input … Read more

Mustache on the Move: Heading to Lake Tahoe

The Cap’m Once a year, there’s a special moment when a group of grown men get to shed their adult responsibilities and relive their teenage years for a week. It’s called the Safety Pirates Snowboarding trip, a whirlwind of out-of-bounds powder adventures, competitive groomer races, moderate indulgence in vices, and late-night escapades either out on … Read more